Friday, March 13, 2015

Project 4 Proposal

In Project 4 I will be discussing how I believe that public college or higher education should be free. The amount of money that it costs to attend college now is an astronomical amount. It prevents certain individuals who have the smarts and personal abilities to attend college not to due to a superficial reason such as money and social class. In project 4 I plan to discuss why I believe that it should be free, going into detail with each reason. First off that it would allow more people the possibility to attend college and better themselves and it would be better for our society by enriching the individuals that encompass our society. There are so many reasons for why public college education should be free and I plan to research and develop an argument around each, bringing light to the fact that it is a strong possibility for at least public college education to be free.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Project 3

Although Project 3 is still slightly confusing, I have a better understanding of what is expected. I know I will definitely need to look at cover letter examples and different examples of what is expected of someone who graduates with a Marketing Degree. Also it would be extremely helpful to review documents that explain how a cover letter should be written and what it should look like. Thats how I think I should start the project and how I need to by reviewing other people's cover letters since I am so unfamiliar with it and what it needs to look like.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

   Since my senior year in high school I haven’t written anything, especially something like what was assigned to us in Project 1. As previously discussed, my usually writings consisted of research papers and analytical essays but this one was slightly different. Though it was in some ways like an analytical essay it still allowed me to write more freely. I usually don’t ever first create an outline. I just start writing on the topic and let the words flow on the paper because I feel as if I were to try to organize and focus on what I have to say I will get writer’s block and I’ll get frustrated with myself and end up hating the project more than exploring all my writing abilities. In this project I was able to pick what I wanted to analyze which made it a more interesting project and topic for me to write about since I had the freedom to find what inspired me the most and allowed me to write the most about the given prompt. At first though, I did limit myself to the two main points the prompt said to discuss: How is what I found authoring and how is it different than previous authoring? After talking to Eda though I realized it was more important to discuss your unusual form of authoring and analyze it more than necessarily exactly following the prompt precisely. Because of this, I did enjoy project 1. It was frustrating at some point and fining a second source was a little annoying but it was not like other writing assignments I had to do. Overall, it was a good first project and started project because I really haven’t formally written for a class in a long time and it was perfect way to start getting back into it and knowing my writing style and abilities again.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Hi, everyone! My name is Katherine Fuchs and I am from a small town in New Jersey called Milltown. I was born and raised in New Jersey, but I can promise you I am and neither are any of my friends and family like the "New Jerseyans" you may have seen on television. I am though half Italian and half German and very close to my family. I have one sister who is eleven years older than me; she is married and has blessed my family with a beautiful little girl named, Aubriana who I am the Godmother of. Also, being from New Jersey it is a popular trend to attend private schools, which is where I attended elementary and high school. During my high school years I have authored many papers. This is where most of my writings happened and why most of them did. I do enjoy writing for fun and believe it can be a good stress reliever and relaxer; however, it is a rare occasion that I have time to sit and write for enjoyment. With this being said, again most of my authoring happened in high school. These writings consisted of research papers on classic novels or papers that analyzed the themes and motifs of famous literary works. On occasion there was a paper due in my History class to discuss important world events and their impacts but every paper written was factual or analytical. In class Friday, we discussed how usually any authoring we may have had was done for papers or assignments required, which is the typical writings most college freshmen are used too.  Overall, in my high school we did not practice any other literary techniques or styles of writings besides those that benefitted us when writing our research papers.